Sunday, 6 March 2011

No 24 - Change

As my list is not exhaustive and as my aspirations etc are known to change over time, I have left my list fluid with room to add more up to No 40, and also to cut out and change anything on the list of it becomes no longer as important to me.

As such; No 24 is changed from Being An Extra, which while an interesting idea is not really something I can see myself doing. It is now 'Perform Random Acts of Kindness'. As I recently bought the Danny Wallace book 'Random Acts of Kindness' and felt really inspired by its message - that to make the world a happier, kinder place all starts with people being motivated to do kind things for others without any real need or purpose - just a desire to put a smile on someone else's face.

I will therefore, be adding to this any RAOK that I carry out.

No 18 Still In Progress & No 3 & 11 On Their Way!

In February 2011 through my work at Broadreach House I signed up for a place in the Plymouth Half Marathon in May 2011.

So far my training has consisted of laps of Devonport Park at a brisk walk (approx 3 miles). I am planning on working up to jogging and lengthening the distance over the next few weeks.

I am collecting sponsorship on behalf of Broadreach so this will also raise money for a charity which I know does good work seeing as I work there and see what they do on a daily basis and know that money is not always very forthcoming to this relatively small charity.

So this will collectively knock off: Raising money for charity, Completing the Half Marathon, Exercising regularly..

On a good day this may also help me work towards No 6, getting back to a size 16.

Watch this space :-)